Show, Fashion To Suffer By
New York
15 September 2021
A suffering tragedy to celebrate a new start of Fey Fey WORLDWIDE. While the red drape opens, fey-fey sacrifices all her body and hearts to the fabric of suffering. "Fashion is such a drag, design is such a drag, sewing is such a drag, presentation is such a drag, models wear it drag, selling is the greatest drag of all. I want to give up. I wish the suffering would end. My destructive gene still calls me back toward it. No more hesitation, This is the decision. This is gambling. Since then, I decided to devote myself to the FASHION TO SUFFER BY."
Photography: Jeremy Ziming Qin Casting: Najia Li Saad Styling: Ranxelle Levin T.S. Set Production: Lou Rodgers, Yuki Gray, Audrey Xu Lighting: Josue Hurst Music: Cody Chu Make-up: Sinn Chinn Hair: Kam Jordan Shelwood Starring: Danusia Garrison, Joyce Keokham, Michelle Lau, Lauren Shivers, Jupiter Ogunbodede Creative Direction: Fey Fey Yufei Liu